Clarification on Raffle and Fair Tickets!!!!

Hello Creekview Parents!

Our raffle is underway, and there’s been a little bit of confusion about tickets. We’re here to help!

YELLOW TICKETS–fair tickets. Those will be used the night of the Fair to bail teachers and staff out of jail, buy snacks at the Country Market, face painting, etc.

BLUE TICKETS–raffle tickets. And every single ticket you get can be submitted in the raffle–no need to hang on to any of them! Just make sure your child LEGIBLY writes his/her FULL name and TEACHER on the ticket so we know who to award prizes to! See our photo below. 👇🏻

We hope that helps a bit. PM or comment below if we can further clarify. And GOOD LUCK!

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The Woodlands Creekview Elementary PTO's photo.

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